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IMPORTANT: Syrian Army shoots down armed Israeli drone which killed 3 soldiers

27.05.2017 - 12:17
IMPORTANT: Syrian Army shoots down armed Israeli drone which killed 3 soldiers

Overnight into Satturday anti-aircraft units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shot down an armed Israeli drone which had conducted a series of attacks in Quneitra province, leading to the death of three SAA soldiers on Friday evening.

The SAA troops were hit by the hostile drone while advancing behind enemy lines near the road between Al-Hamdiyah and Abu Shabta, prompting the Syrian Air Defense Force to open fire and down the Israeli drone over the territory controlled by the so called opposition. Thatw as reported by Arab news agency AMN.

Both Tel Aviv and Damascus remain silent about the mutual aggression by now. One should keep in mind that the two countries remain at a state of war since the Israeli Armed Forces occupied much of the Golan Heights over five decades ago.

SAA have already opened fire at Israeli drones in April, another one Israeli drone was destroyed by governmental forces in March.

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