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Jihadists to attack in Syrian Hama

12.05.2017 - 21:00
Jihadists to attack in Syrian Hama

Jihadists in Hama province use ceasefire regime to regroup their forces, improve defensive positions and build up reserves.

This was reported to RusVesna.su by a military source.

«Terrorists have been executing disturbing fire on SAA’s strongholds on the contact line over the last 24 hours. Governmental forces had to open counterfire on jihadists’ positions in Al-Latamna and Murek. It has been revealed by credible sources that the militants got reinforced and plan to realunch offensive aiming at Zaelakiyat», — the source told RusVesna.su.

Russia detected nine ceasefire violations in Syrian deescalation zones over the last 24 hours. One third of these cases were detected in Hama province, in the regions controlled by «Jabhat an-Nusra»* terrorists group («Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham»).

* terrorist organization banned in Russian Federation.

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