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Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)

13.05.2017 - 12:43
Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)

On Friday’s evening «Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham» media wing published photos of «Al-Qaeda» militants being trained by Chechen terrorists in Idlib.

Using the experience they got in the 1990s during the war against Army of Russia Chechen firled commanders teach «Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham» terrorists («Jabhat an-Nusra»*, «Al-Qaeda’s»* Syrian wing) how to perform assault operations.

According to the available information training camp is situated somwhere in rural Idlib, in the North of province.

Elite «Al-Qaeda»* thugs are known as Ingimasi units, they are famouus for fighting till the last breath.

* terrorist organization banned in Russian Federation.

Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)
Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)
Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)
Chechen militants teach «Al-Qaeda» in Idlib how to fight Russian army (PHOTOS)

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