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Militants 'sold' the terrorists: SAA captured huge batch of Americam and Turkish weapons (VIDEO)

28.01.2017 - 1:06
Militants 'sold' the terrorists: SAA captured huge batch of Americam and Turkish weapons (VIDEO)

Governmental troops have captured the vehicle which was transpotting huge quantity of weapons and ammunition of Asmerican and Turkish production.

This was told to «Russian Spring» by a military source.

The weapons and great quantity of ammunition were intercepted by the governmental forces in Deraa province. The contents of the vehicle (5 TOW missiles, 30 rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and more than 30 thousand 5.45 caliber cartridges was intended to be delivered to «Jabhat an-Nusra»* militants.

According to Syrian Defence Ministry official speaking on condition of anonimity, the information on coming ammunition supplies for Nusra was received from «Ahrar ash-Sham» militants in Deraa province.

«Ahrar ash-Sham» militants decided to report this to governmental troops amid unfolding conflict between «Ahrar ash-Sham» and «Jabhat an-Nusra» groups in the North of the country.

They suppose it could help to oppose Nusra in Idlib and Aleppo provinces where “Fron an-Nusra’s” militants got of of the Ahrar ash-Sham’s leaders captured. After that they launched intense combat actions against yesterday’s allies», — specified «Russian Spring’s» source.


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