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Burning Т-90 tank in Syria — ISIS shows footage from Aleppo province (VIDEO)

28.01.2017 - 2:25
Burning Т-90 tank in Syria — ISIS shows footage from Aleppo province (VIDEO)

ISIS media wing released a video showing T-90 tank reportedly knocked-out by ATGM in Khanasser area in Aleppo province where Syrian Arab Army launched an offensive towards Raqqa.

The video shows the tank standing in a trench, part of its turret and hatch is burning. The terrorists claim they’ve destroyed modern Russian armoured vehicle but upon closer look certain doubts arise.

It's interesting that the moment ATGM hitting the tank is not shown on the video which is traditional for the terrorists: they usually record attacks to accont them to their sponsors.

Let’s highlight the most important details to visually determine kind of damage inflicted to the tank.

There are no flames or smoke wallowing throught the second opened hatch at the same time the microexplosions and sparks can be seen in the place of combustion. Most likely is detonation of NSVT or KORD machine gun ammunition.

Besides some foreign objects could be burning near hatch and machine gun as the Arab tank officers like to carry them around so much. Numerous photos and footage from Syrian and Iraqi wars one may often see some rags and bags on armoured vehicles.

The most possible version is that the tank was slightly damaged from RPG thermal action and ATMS missile or RPG grenade explosion. Then the objects veing transported on tank’s turret went on fire which led to machine gun’s ammunition combustion.

Besides there is a yellow flag wavering over Т-90 turret which has been already presumptuously called “Hezbollah” banner but on the released footagу does not allow to draw such clear conclusion. It is likely that the flag belongs to Iraqi Shi’ite militia «Harakat-an-Nudzhba» which also fights in Syria under Iran’s supervision.


Burning Т-90 tank in Syria — ISIS shows footage from Aleppo province (VIDEO)
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