Новость из категории: Россия, Видео

Russia Defends Ancient Christian City From Western-Backed 'Moderate' Rebels (VIDEO)

02.04.2017 - 2:26
Russia Defends Ancient Christian City From Western-Backed 'Moderate' Rebels (VIDEO)

World-renowned LGBTQ advocacy group Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is attempting to create a "safe space" in the ancient Christian city of Mahardah in northern Syria.

This is how the western media portrays this crime against Christianity and basic human dignity, of course.

There are so many mind-melting absurdities about the western-manufactured war against Syria.

Washington's eagerness to use Islamist extremists to carry out its geopolitical and military ambitions in the Middle East really can mean only one thing: The "progressive", "forward-thinking" west is home to the world's most shameless hypocrites and criminals.

Luckily, there's Russia. We really encourage you to take six short minutes and watch this incredible video report.

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