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«White Helmets»: against Assad for Soros money — Syrian offspring of Western propaganda (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

30.09.2016 - 12:48
«White Helmets»: against Assad for Soros money — Syrian offspring of Western propaganda (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Over the recent years West (first of all the United States) has made propaganda compulsory attribute of all the wars and conflicts it is involved in.

Spreading distorted information, half-truth and overt lie to affect public opinion, systematic efforts directed at audience’s beliefs manipulation — that’s what Washington is good at.

It is typically that active combat actions zone is always situated far beyond USA national borders it’s US citizens who often fall propagnada’s victims, because their opinions and conventional wisdom is being formed under the influenece of the media serving American and Western European political establishment and elites.

The results are attained with all the variety of propaganda tools — starting from false interpretations and ending with overt lie when covering certain events.

To see Western propaganda machine at work have a look at

[img]http://tizer.adv.vz.ru/cgi-bin/banner/' vzz_login '?' vzz_random '&' vzz_options '[/img]
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