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Ukrainian media embarressed once again: Russian military training 2012 video passed off as recent violent clashes in Donbass (VIDEO)

21.12.2016 - 1:58
Ukrainian media embarressed once again: Russian military training 2012 video passed off as recent violent clashes in Donbass (VIDEO)

Leading Ukrainian media have embarassed themselves having passed off 4 years old military training video as a footage of recent clashes at Debaltsevo.

The first to post it on his Facebook page was Ukrainian MP Andrey Lozovoy. According to him tha was filmed by some Ukrainian serviceman.

«The video filmed by our sodier yesterday during the battle at Svetlodarsk Bulge (similar to Kursk Bulge, one of the biggest battles in WWII, won by the Soviet Army – edit.) This nation is not to be defeated... Glory to heroes! Eternal esteem to all those who fell on the battlefield...» — reads the pretentious post


Ukrainian media embarressed once again: Russian military training 2012 video passed off as recent violent clashes in Donbass (VIDEO)
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