Новость из категории: Украина, Видео

Ukraine's time is over - what's next, Alexander Zakharchenko? (VIDEO)

02.03.2017 - 2:24
Ukraine's time is over - what's next, Alexander Zakharchenko? (VIDEO)

The process of external management in non-resident enterprises will be completed by the evening, said the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, on Wednesday morning after the given timeframe of ultimatum to Ukraine was expired.

- Mr. Zakharchenko, the time of the ultimatum is up, could you please talk about further actions?

"Today, according to the plan, the enterprises from now on from midnight are introduced to the external management. I believe everything will be completed by the evening," Zakharchenko said.

- Today the entire Donetsk city is talking about it. Donbass Arena was lightened. Why so and who did it?

"The people of the Donetsk People’s Republic did it. Today it was the first sign of the victory," he replied.

- Mr. Zakharchenko, the last question. In the internet there are your wiretapped telephone talks, how would you comment on it?

"First, there’s no secret information. And second, I would suggest Ukrainians to get used to my voice," Zakharchenko commented.

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