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Russian humanitarian aid convoy delivers 200 tons of baby food to DPR

28.02.2017 - 14:52
Russian humanitarian aid convoy delivers 200 tons of baby food to DPR

A Russian humanitarian aid convoy delivered 198 tons of baby food to the Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday, DPR Emergencies Ministry told Donetsk News Agency.

“Today, a convoy of ten trucks delivered 198 tons of fruit, vegetable and meat mash, juices and formula products,” the Ministry said.

Local administrations will distribute the cargo to two groups of the population, families with children under one year of age and families with children aged one to three.

On 21 February, the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s 60th humanitarian aid convoy, the first this year, delivered to DPR 204 tons of baby food and two dedicated cargoes.

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